Healing Hazel is a clinical provider of herbalism and holistic care in Lowden, Iowa. Clinical herbalists help identify imbalances and nutrient deficiencies, and are able to customize protocols for each individual and change them as needed.

Initial Consultation & Assessment - $60.00 Flat Fee
During your initial visit, we will review your current health concerns, symptoms, health history, health goals and any potential obstacles. Together, we will begin to explore various components of health, including diet, nutrition, hydration, sleep, movement, social factors, environmental factors, daily routines, and current stress levels. The overall objective of the initial consultation is to identify underlying factors contributing to your current health, set manageable goals, and initiate a care plan customized for you. This initial visit can take up to 2.5 hours.
What to expect at your first appointment and how to prepare:
- Wear comfortable clothing (no denim) and slip-on shoes (no shoes are allowed past the entryway).
- Eat before coming; you will be here for a couple of hours.
- Bring your current medications or a print out from your physician.
- Bring copies of any lab tests that have been done in the last 24 months.
- Bring a list of all allergies and sensitivities.
- Bring a list of all herbal products, supplements, teas and tinctures you currently or have recently used. This includes any nutrition tea shops or natural wellness shops that you frequent.
- Be prepared to be completely honest and transparent about your diet, sleeping habits, coping strategies and all other information that our Clinical Herbalist deems relevant. This is a completely judgement free zone and all information is used to aid in formulating the best holistic approach for you individually.
All information is kept confidential and is only discussed with the person you have agreed to on your new client forms. We here at Healing Hazel also encourage you to be honest with your PCP and anyone else in your care team about seeing an herbalist. Printouts for your care team can be provided at anytime by request.
Additional Meetings
First Follow-Up Visit:
Your first follow-up session will take place 4-6 weeks after you have begun your recommended care plan (dietary changes, movement routine, lifestyle changes, herbal formulations, etc.) This visit will give us both the opportunity to review what is working and what might need to be adjusted in your new routine and custom formulations. This visit will be between 30 minutes and 2 hours. Wear comfortable clothing and slip-on shoes.
Second Follow-Up Visit:
This visit will take place approximately 6 weeks after your second visit, and will be to review your current progress and reassess the changes going on in your body, sleeping regimen, stress management techniques and lifestyle. Formulations may be adjusted to your current needs as well as additional dietary and movement changes, based on your needs. This appointment will take 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Phone appointments* are available for current clients, as well as other custom appointment options. Contact our office directly by email or using the contact form to find out more and schedule a custom appointment.
* Phone appointments must be paid in advance.
Cancellation, Late Policy, and No-Show Guidelines
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours before your appointment. We understand that life can be unpredictable; however, if last-minute changes become a regular occurrence, we may choose to discontinue our services.
Late Policy:
If you arrive more than 10 minutes late for your appointment, you will need to reschedule via email. Persistent lateness may result in the discontinuation of our services.
No-Call, No-Show Policy:
We recognize that emergencies can arise. If you do not call or show up for your appointment, you will need to email our office to reschedule. If this occurs more than twice, we will no longer be able to offer our services.
Herbal Products
All herbal products are formulated based on your individual needs, and all contraindications are taken into account. All of the herbs used by Healing Hazel are sourced by USDA certified organic suppliers. Pricing is dependent upon the cost of sourcing the herbs, packaging, and preparation to provide the best quality. During continuous visits, if original jars and containers are returned a discount is applied towards the cost of your products.
Our Herbalist is located in Reedsburg, Wisconsin and can meet with you at their office or at your residence. Due to limited availability, travel is limited to Sauk County. Reedsburg residences no charge for appointments or product drop-off. Outside of Reedsburg will be $0.655 per mile..
Note: Healing Hazel does not accept insurance at this time.
Initial Consultation & Assessment - $60.00 Flat Fee:
During your initial visit, your practitioner will review with you your current concerns, complaints, personal and family history, life goals and any potential obstacles. Together, the two of you will begin to explore various components of your lifestyle including diet, nutrition, hydration, sleep, movement, social factors, environmental factors, daily routines, and current stress levels. Be prepared to talk about yourself a lot. You may also be given a Wellness Journal at this time, for more detailed information that will be reviewed at your follow-up visit. The overall objective of the initial consultation is to identify underlying factors contributing to your current imbalances, set manageable goals, and initiate a protocol plan customized for you. This initial visit can take 1-2.5 hours.
An accurate and active phone number must be provided on new client forms as well as listing if it is a cellular phone or landline. Information discussed during your appointment will be provided in handouts or via email. Please wear comfortable clothing (no denim) and slip-on shoes.
Post Appointment Check-in:
Your Practitioner will contact you via text, call, or email within 10-14 days following your appointment to see what parts of the protocol you have chosen to implement, and if any assistance is needed with effectively working them into your life and if anything may need to be altered. If you were given a Wellness Journal and you have not yet been able to start filling it out, this is the time to discuss it so that your follow-up visit can be rescheduled as needed. If protocols are altered prior to the follow-up visit, a second check-in might be needed.
First Follow-Up Visit:
Your first follow-up session will take place 4-6 weeks after you have begun your recommended protocol (dietary changes, movement routine, lifestyle changes, herbal formulations, etc.) This visit will give you and your practitioner the opportunity to review what is working and what may need to be adjusted in your new routine. Your Wellness Journal will also be reviewed to look for patterns, triggers and other pertinent information. This visit will be between 20 minutes and 1 hour. Wear comfortable clothing and slip-on shoes.
This appointment can be made as a video or phone appointment.
Second Follow-Up Visit:
This visit will take place 6 weeks after your second visit and will be to review your current progress and reassess the changes going on in your body, sleeping regimen, stress management techniques and lifestyle. n. Formulations may be adjusted or eliminated, as well as additional dietary and movement changes, based on all information provided. This appointment will take 10 minutes - 1 hour. This appointment can be made a video or phone appointment.
Forms and Payment:
All requested forms and information will need to be submitted at least 72 hours prior to your initial appointment. In-person appointments may be paid via cash or credit card during your appointments. All video and phone appointments will need to be paid in full at least 15 minutes prior via our website or it will be canceled.
Initial Consultation & Assessment - $60.00 Flat Fee:
During your initial visit, you and your practitioner will review your current concerns, complaints, personal and family history, life goals and any potential obstacles. Together, the two of you will begin to explore various components of your lifestyle including diet, nutrition, hydration, sleep, movement, social factors, environmental factors, daily routines, and current stress levels. The overall objective of the initial consultation is to identify underlying factors contributing to your current imbalances, set manageable goals, and initiate a protocol plan customized for you. This initial visit can take 1-2.5 hours.
Wear comfortable clothing, all distractions must be eliminated so you can fully focus and be present for your appointment. A phone, tablet or computer with video capability is needed. A link will be emailed to you prior to your appointment; it is your responsibility to log in at the scheduled time. An accurate and active email address and phone number must be provided on new client forms as well as listing if it is a cellular phone or landline.
Post Appointment Check-in:
Your Practitioner will contact you via text, call, or email within 10-14 days following your appointment to see what parts of the protocol you have chosen to implement, and if any assistance is needed with effectively working them into your life and if anything may need to be altered. If you were given a Wellness Journal and you have not yet been able to start filling it out, this is the time to discuss it so that your follow-up visit can be rescheduled as needed. If protocols are altered prior to the follow-up visit, a second check-in might be needed.
First Follow-Up Visit:
Your first follow-up session will take place 4-6 weeks after you have begun your recommended protocol (dietary changes, movement routine, lifestyle changes, herbal formulations, etc.) This visit will give you and your practitioner the opportunity to review what is working and what may need to be adjusted in your new routine. This visit will be between 20 minutes and 1 hour. This appointment can be made a phone or in-person visit as well.
Second Follow-Up Visit:
This visit will take place 6 weeks after your second visit and will be to review your current progress and reassess the changes going on in your body, sleeping regimen, stress management techniques and lifestyle. Formulations may be adjusted or eliminated, as well as additional dietary and movement changes, based on all information provided. This appointment will take 10 minutes - 1 hour. This appointment can be made a phone or in-person appointment as well.
Forms and Payment:
All requested forms and information will need to be submitted at least 72 hours prior to your initial appointment. All appointments will need to be paid in full at least 15 minutes prior via our website or it will be canceled.
Initial Consultation & Assessment - $60.00 Flat Fee:
During your initial visit, you and your practitioner will review your current concerns, complaints, personal and family history, life goals and any potential obstacles. Together, the two of you will begin to explore various components of your lifestyle including diet, nutrition, hydration, sleep, movement, social factors, environmental factors, daily routines, and current stress levels. The overall objective of the initial consultation is to identify underlying factors contributing to your current imbalances, set manageable goals, and initiate a protocol plan customized for you. This initial visit can take be 1-2.5 hours. The appointment will need to be paid in full at least 15 minutes prior via our website or it will be canceled.
Wear comfortable clothing, all distractions must be eliminated so you can fully focus and be present for your appointment. You will receive a phone call at your scheduled appointment time, an accurate and active phone number must be provided on new client forms as well as listing if it is a cellular phone or landline.
First Follow-Up Visit:
Your first follow-up session will take place 4-6 weeks after you have begun your recommended protocol (dietary changes, movement routine, lifestyle changes, herbal formulations, etc.) This visit will give you and your practitioner the opportunity to review what is working and what may need to be adjusted in your new routine. This visit will be between 20 minutes and 1 hour. This appointment can be made a video or in-person appointment.
Second Follow-Up Visit:
This visit will take place 6 weeks after your second visit and will be to review your current progress and reassess the changes going on in your body, sleeping regimen, stress management techniques and lifestyle. Formulations may be adjusted or eliminated, as well as additional dietary and movement changes, based on all information provided. This appointment will take 10 minutes - 1 hour. This appointment can be made a video or in-person appointment as well.
Forms and Payment:
All requested forms and information will need to be submitted at least 72 hours prior to your initial appointment. All appointments will need to be paid in full at least 15 minutes prior via our website or it will be canceled.
Classes & Workshops
These classes can be a great way to bring customers into your business and are offered on a variety of topics that can align with topics that you feel your customers will want to learn about. Classes can be catered to age ranges and experience.
Class topics can be but are not limited to: Holistic Self-care, Salve Making, Simple Backyard First-Aid, Movement for Mobility, What is The Root Cause, Digestive Balance, Mindfulness Techniques, Herbalism for Beginners, The Herbal Kitchen. If you have an idea for a class or workshop that you would like, please contact me, if it is not within my scope of knowledge and experience, I may be able to connect you with someone.
Pricing can be arranged to have attendees pay per person at a flat rate or you can choose to offer a small class with minimal cost to you. Cost will depend on length of time, travel, and cost of supplies payment will be due at time of service.
*Free and minimal cost options may be available, contact for more details.
These classes tend to focus on Holistic Self-Care which includes topics such as: better work/life balance, prevented self-care, supporting the immune system, techniques throughout the day to handle stress, stiffness, fatigue, sleep routines for your brain, and nutrition balance. The curriculum can be adjusted to provide the most accurate information that will be pertinent to your staff. This curriculum has been shown to assist with retention, productivity and overall wellness. Cost is dependent on length of time, travel, print materials and any other cost of supplies. Payment will be due at time of service.
Classes can be for your employees or for those that benefit from your nonprofit services. There are a variety of topics that can be catered to your event, mobility of attendees, and age range.
Class topics can be but are not limited to: Holistic Self-care, Salve Making, Simple Backyard First-Aid, Movement for Mobility, What is The Root Cause, Digestive Balance, Mindfulness Techniques, Herbalism for Beginners, The Herbal Kitchen. If you have an idea for a class or workshop that you would like, please contact me, if it is not within my scope of knowledge and experience, I may be able to connect you with someone.
Cost will be determined by length of time, supplies needed and location. Payment will be due at time of service.
*Free or minimal cost options may be available, contact for more details.
Deliveries and appointments in Lowden, Iowa free of charge. Deliveries and appointments outside of Lowden, Iowa, please contact for options and possible delivery fees.
Healing Hazel offers Holistic Wellness Coaching, Classes, as well as Clinical Herbal Consultations. These services are not provided by licensed medical professionals.